Non-exhaustive list of health and safety measures implemented by Bestar:
- Telecommuting for office employees
- Reduction of operations to priority activities only, on a voluntary basis
- Hand washing for at least 20 seconds or disinfection with hydroalcoholic gel upon arrival at the workplace and at regular intervals throughout the day
- Distancing of 2 meters at all times, including:
- Arrivals and departures from the factory
- Breaks: rearrangement of cafeteria spaces
- Work: changing working methods to avoid the sharing of tools
- Shift changes: arranging the schedule so that the shifts do not overlap
- Limiting movement between departments
- Adoption of additional measures for workstations in close proximity to one another, such as “plexiglass” separators and the wearing of visors
- Restricting access to the premises, including control measures for truckers
- Rigorous cleaning and disinfection :
- Access to surface cleaners provided for all workstations
- Cleaning of workstations at the beginning and end of each shift
- Cleaning or disinfection of all surfaces that may be touched by more than one worker
- Cleaning or disinfection before any sharing of tools that must be used by more than one worker
- Frequent cleaning of cell phones if used during breaks
- Implementation of procedures in the event of the detection of potential cases of coronavirus
These measures have been validated by an external firm specialized in industrial hygiene.